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  • Writer's pictureRavish Saxena

Importance of Teaching Children About Climate Change

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

children are like sponges. They absorb what they see around them and what kids learn becomes a part of who they will be. It is essential to start them young if humankind relies on a new generation of responsible individuals.

For parents and educators everywhere, here are a few reasons why you should start teaching kids about climate change:

1. Guide Them Towards Environmental Consciousness

One of the most significant potential impacts of teaching climate change to children is influencing the kinds of adults they will be. Integrating this subject into the educational curriculum allows children to learn from their environment in a different light.

They will grow with consciousness about how everything they do can affect the environment around them.

Teaching children about climate change doesn’t end with an academic approach. It usually includes practical topics like collective responsibility and environmental stewardship. These concepts, when relayed properly, affect their lifestyle as adults. Proper education reflects on their choices once they grow up. Whether they use everyday objects sourced from responsible sources and means or contribute to the growing plastic waste in the oceans depends on their upbringing. From actively participating in Earth day activities to making conscious lifestyle choices, it all begins with the habits they form growing up.


1 Comment

Apr 06, 2022

What Dose This Blog Means ?? How are you relating it with your campaign!!!?

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